Thursday, February 14, 2013

What Is Your Perfect Gift?

I work with great people and have great conversations with them.  Even if I don’t always agree with everyone, I learn something every time we take the time to visit.  A couple of years ago, I was listening to some friends at work discuss gifts and one of the ladies was really put out that her husband bought her a vacuum cleaner (no kidding) and thought she would really love that as her Christmas gift.  I laughed and said, “Hey, I am a practical girl and if I needed a vacuum cleaner, I would love that gift.”  She thought I was crazy.  “What about diamonds?” she said. 

Now I am not going to say I don’t appreciate beautiful things like jewelry or those kinds of impractical gifts.  But in truth, I don’t wish for those things and would never be upset not to receive them. 

With that said, today my husband is on his way to Mexico today, so there won’t be any romantic meals or unexpected surprises.  And that doesn’t matter to me.  I think the greatest gift is the knowledge you are important and that you have the stability to know your love is built to last.

When I went to bed last night, there was a card lying on my pillow.  And this is what it said: 

 I love just being with you. ..I really love the times when we get away from it all and just enjoy being together-those special moments when life seems to slow down and we can talk about anything, or not talk at all, and everything just feels right.  It’s those times when I can see how much we’re meant for each other…and I realize again that no other woman could ever make me feel as contented and as happy as you do.   I love you so much.  Happy Valentines Day.

We’ve been married 22 years people, and that man knows my heart.  I cried a little last night, but they were happy tears.  God blessed me when he placed my husband in my life, and I am thankful every day.   Nope, I won’t be getting roses or diamonds today.  I won’t even get a vacuum cleaner!  I don’t need or want those things.  But that gift of knowing deep down I am loved..well I have that each and every day with him.  And that gift is priceless.  Yep, I am blessed.

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