Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Websites to Diet For

So, once again I decide it is time to get serious about getting healthy.  I KNOW I need to loose weight, and I KNOW I need to exercise..it isn't just about what I eat.  So..about 5 weeks ago I started working out again, in earnest.  I have only missed about 5 days, and am walking 4 miles in an hour with an incline of 5-6%.  Some people love exercising, but I am NOT one of those people.  However, what I do love is that I am slowly dropping some weight and getting a shot of energy at the same time.

In the past, I've done Weight Watcher's successfully, but for whatever reason, I can't get that working again.   What I did do was take the things that worked for me, and applied them to my current efforts.  First of all, I write down everything I eat every day.  I also log all of my exercise.  I think that is called "keeping you honest" (thank you Anderson Cooper for that one).   The website that works for me and I love it (really I do) is My Fitness Pal at http://www.myfitnesspal.com.  It is so easy to use, and it lets you do everything all in one place.  It is easy to access and doesn't take much time.  And if you use it daily, and set appropriate goals, it lets you know where you are with regard to goals, include nutritional consumption goals (like lowering salt intake) every meal you eat.

I am also a person who loves to cook for my family and to eat good food, so the whole "drink a diet shake every meal" thing doesn't work for me either.  I needed to find sources of recipes that are GOOD and GOOD FOR YOU.  Here are my favorites: Hungry Girl, Laloosh, and Skinny Taste.  I discovered http://www.hungry-girl.com/ on a blog search for a healthy recipes website that included weight watcher's points for meals.  However, this site is SO much more than that.  Hungry Girl takes the recipes you love and KNOW you shouldn't eat from restaurants, and gives you a healthy, delicious alternative.  The second site, www.skinnytaste.com over at Gina's Skinny Recipes, also has really really tasty recipes for all occasions and that are also healthy.  She includes Weight Watcher's points as well, for those of you that are interested.  Laloosh also has great recipes that include Weight Watcher's points and have nutritional information. The thing I love about these sites is that I can cook for my family, including an 18 year old football player and a 15 year old volleyball player, and they love the food and don't even know I am leaving out the fat and calories.   Another positive point is you can sign up for their mailing list and have new recipes delivered to your mailbox.  Not a bad bit of inspiration!

So, if you are feeling motivated and don't quite know where to start, swing on over to My Fitness Pal and set up an account.  Then get active and get cooking...healthy style that is!

1 comment:

  1. i couldn't find your email address but i'd like to invite you over to fill out info and join up with other nebraska bloggers. go to the link to check out the other 80+ bloggers that have connected and fill out your info :)

